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Better Q? Did Jedislayer/Merlin/Legacy cheat?

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Estimable Member

Wow I havn't checked this thread since yesterday (or was it two days ago, it's all the same to me) and yet NiftySaber has replied 7 times! And nice research with the fake pic champion! Although it's even more gay of me to post a fake one of my friend Yasu (Wodz and AeRoN have the real pic, or the WC forum like a few years ago).

If you still think I was serious about whatever I said (like I would remember anyway) read my post in the DSbr... We are just better than you thread. I know you're going to do some serious homework before you're next reply, but in case you don't here you go:

Posted : 08/06/2006 2:06 am
Reputable Member

Ecko - I seemed to have recalled an AtomicECKO, hence my reaction, you stupid twit. EJK_Jordan also used the also ECKO, so that probably threw me off. You're such a presumptious trash collector.

Phelan, you seem to have me confused with someone else. While you were a "newbie" (during the top 20 ss in question) I was KDD_CrimsonRED and had been using the name Wodz for years.

If some newbie used the name Phelan for 3 months and then you used it for 9 years, it wouldnt even be logical to call you fake. In 98 I was in GS, JCS, SoDS, SaGE, Emp with the name Wodz. The other Wodz was asked if he was in those and his response was that he was only in DSbr and EA.

You people attempt to mock me for my normal ability to recall the history of JK, yet you constantly make references to an event that is over 9 years old that only a few people even know of

You're both losers, with or without JK.

This juvenile name calling denotes your lack of maturity. You said the reason you questioned the authenticity of the cases claim is because I played Cave.. what kind of retort is that.

That's like saying I can't remember 9/11 because I was wearing Nike shoes.. shut the fuck up

Posted : 08/06/2006 2:08 am
Estimable Member

Who asked you?

by nifty

insolent and ignorant at the same time! that makes you the proud new owner of an Emoticon 8)

Um, well, you did. So does everyone else when they post topics about JK on the internet. I'm the official spokesman of the 25 or so people that actually had skill at this game. And I say had because like 17 of us don't have skill anymore and like 3 or 4 have been replaced. That's nothing against you either, you may be one of those 25 and we just havn't crossed paths. But judging from your attitude it's safe to say that "you don't care."

Posted : 08/06/2006 2:19 am
Estimable Member

On a completely different note, would you care to shed some light on this whole "chronos" controvery. Even though technically "I don't care," not about you personally, but the verbal vomit. Just curious. By all means tell me to "fuckk off shinji yuo fake gook"

Posted : 08/06/2006 2:21 am
Active Member

gayber hackers:-


Posted : 08/06/2006 7:02 am
Estimable Member

Yeah...Finally I'm not included in the list of hackers hehehehe

Posted : 08/06/2006 7:12 am
Estimable Member

gayber hackers:-


Wow, that list actually looks very accurate. Although if Legacy ever cheated he didn't against me.

Topic starter Posted : 08/06/2006 7:20 am
Trusted Member

Clouds on that list, and that fucking wop couldn't even beat me.

and yes, that list is pretty fucking accurate.

Sad part is Nova, you clanned with HeXeN on several occasions πŸ˜€

Posted : 08/06/2006 10:29 am
Estimable Member

Legacy: never cheated against me. we usually traded wins. also teamed a lot. all he ever used was merlin.cog

Nemesis: dunno what he used but we traded wins and teamed a lot. i guess he was proven to cheat? guess never against me. lag out the ass though. loved having to swing 1 sec before he got there.

DangerSun: we probably never played against each other. same team many times. i would see him do crazy stuff without dieing but i could never have proof. he would be near the cave in the middle of two people swinging at him and not die lol

SoulReaper: i brought judgmentday and kain in and proved him to cheat. extended saber and a little speed.

Hexen: tried out for me and icehelion's clan, sucked horribly, i won 15-2. two weeks later he somehow became good and anytime i played him he had the same sucky style but nothing hit him.

Topic starter Posted : 08/06/2006 1:39 pm
Active Member

nemesis refused to play me ahp... when on cases. ..why would anyone refuse it, no big deal if you dont hack, when ever i played him, hits just did not register, like he was a ghost.
in kohv i think he got caught , cant remember the details but didnt he disband and take off once it was out. hax

mask, sure it was never proven public, but everyone surspected him. when mask knocked ck of #1 showed JK a ss of mask saying some very odd shit in game .... KDD had something on him to. he also played like a ghost thru his rain as #1 played like nemesis, moved way to fast..and had some wierd shit magnet type shit that would rock your char around. hax

frozen... same as above. i think it was called gen.cog ? frozen wasnt a good saberist tho imo and it was easy to see he hacked, because he was so bad but still didnt loose often. also refused to ahp. hax

soulreaper, if you couldnt see how he hacked..then you must be blind, obvious in every game, and i dont think he was a good saberist lolz, hax

dangersun, hacked when he was in IRN caught with toggle, he also hacked me in lots of nf sabers ffa games, hed pull out a c-rifal and reak havoc when he was loosing then exit, so he had an item dat on at least..what other shit was he doing? hax

cruicifer was caught hacking plain and simple, had a god on i think. this was Kingkia, not sure what name he was caught on but ive seen the screens. hax

hexen ive seen do alot of wierd shit in games, i wouldnt even say he was a good saberist...just fucking unhittable, gear user, tweaks hax whatever the fuck you want to call it. he used them all at one point im sure. hax

cloud used extendo and speed enhancers in a game with me and sephrioth (seph should be on the list) in not so many words he admit it after. hax

legacy, i added to this list because all tho i can't personaly say i saw it , it has been mentoined to many times by to many players, all well respected players who were good at the game and knew there shit. legacy hacked sometime thru his jk career, im pretty fucking sure of it. come on leg be a man and admit it, whos going to care now? hax

Posted : 08/06/2006 2:23 pm
Honorable Member

dangersun hacked, i know cuz he admitted it to me since we are both toronto boys, i beat him 3-0 repeatedly, then he joined one of d1/yoda's clans, jrt or something, and i only beat him 3-2 and he was like "i got pretty good fast eh hehe" and then explained why.

also chronos, i post on this board once a day yes, a wopping 5 minutes of my day, as opposed to you who considers trolling this board as a full time job, i guess when you tell people you are going to your 9-5 you really just head down to your basement and keep pushing refresh.

and yes you were a newbie back when i played, everyone from our generation knows it i dont get why you keep trying to defend yourself when people who are in the know are around again. give up buddy, you HAVE dedicated your life to jk weather you want to admit it or not.

shinji this whole chronos stuff has to do with "wodz". basically "wodz" was this kid named chronos back in 99, maybe late 98. the guy pretty much stunk at jk, he just played cave all the time in ladder matches and never really won much. once the older players started falling off the face of the planet and the newer generations started rolling in, he took his opportunity to feign "eliteness". he basically lies about all his video game accomplishments and the clans he was in. i guess he feels validated by newbies thinking he was hot shit back in the day. *shrugs shoulders*

Posted : 08/06/2006 2:44 pm
Estimable Member

I joined one clan that Hexen was in,and that was END.Every other clan was just bad timing between us.

Posted : 08/06/2006 7:34 pm
Estimable Member

legacy, i added to this list because all tho i can't personaly say i saw it , it has been mentoined to many times by to many players, all well respected players who were good at the game and knew there shit. legacy hacked sometime thru his jk career, im pretty f***ing sure of it. come on leg be a man and admit it, whos going to care now? hax

many well respected players who were good at the game and said I hacked... sounds like a coalition of greats coming down from a mountain like Moses with privaleged information from God.. only lacking the inconsequential formality of me accepting this information.. and pleading to a sense of propriety.. pettyness...

Well, with this rub how can I possibly but admit to whatever you say.

"So don't fly in the south eastern US because I could very well be the guy controlling your airplane"

Posted : 08/06/2006 9:38 pm
Reputable Member

Phelan claims that I was a newbie in 1999, yet I was rank 2 on cases during the middle of 1999 and he does not remember that. Yet Legacy, who was rank 1, seems to easily recall that. This was also a period when a lot of old schoolers and good player still played regularly. Yet, Phelan claims I never won games, yet I was rank 2 on an active ladder...which is a historical fact..I wonder why those two statements just don't match up.

Yes Phelan, I spend my entire life (as you say) posting on this forum, I have devoted my entire existence to typing replies.

No matter what you may think, say, or do

You are forever inferior

Posted : 09/06/2006 3:02 am
Estimable Member

Wodz,you could have gotten free wins again like you did before to get that high on the ladder.You did it just after I quit the ladder.And you were asking everyone for free wins.So that you eventually got to #1 as _REDSTAR_.So just because you got to a certain rank means nothing.Especially you of all people.I've talked to people who played before me and everyone I've ever talked to says you sucked ass.

Posted : 09/06/2006 4:01 am
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