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Top 5 (or 10) all-around JK players of "all time?"

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Reputable Member

lol matt

keep in mind we are all typing on a star wars forum for a video game that came out over a decade ago

most of us can write books on JK, most choose to pretend they are not star wars nerds who sat in chat rooms playing with lightsabers for a decade... get over it

nonetheless your comments were still amusing

shinji i have no clue what you are talking about

Posted : 19/05/2010 12:25 pm
Estimable Member

It's all good man I may have been a bit harsh but point is you still said that reiko or myself have no business posting here. It was unbecoming of me but oh well.

At least reiko and I have enough dignity not to just jump on the bandwagon and join DSbr like everyone else. Plus we beat everyone in 2v2 ff oasis no need to drop names or anything.

Topic starter Posted : 09/06/2010 12:34 pm
Estimable Member

the best BGJ FFers are
and DarkStrike

Topic starter Posted : 09/06/2010 12:53 pm
New Member

Best FF Oasis player was Jihad_Master, no doubt about it

Posted : 28/09/2010 5:20 am
New Member

Best FF Oasis player was Jihad_Master, no doubt about it

shut your fucking newbie trash mouth

*proudly opens 3rd beer, adjusts cowboy hat and stares off pensively into the horizon*

Posted : 07/10/2010 3:42 pm
Trusted Member

the miller-lite kid rides again

genetix is the best

Posted : 08/10/2010 6:46 am
Estimable Member

EA_Nikola_G who the fuck are you to even talk in this thread.. shut the fuck up.

Posted : 16/11/2010 9:30 pm
Trusted Member

Best all-around players? Well, I'm not as old school as some, but I played with the best in 2002-2003 and I never met an 'old school' elite that overly impressed me. So, in no particular order...

Lisa (aka Phoenix_MDS) - Best setting FF BGJ, also great at all other settings. (Beat Vanion to win a NF BGJ tournament)

Spanker (granted, I don't know any good players who thinks he doesn't hack, but I've played him probably more than anybody, and even if he does hack he's still amazing at this game) - great at FF O, NF JI, and FF BGJ. Of NF BGJ.

ok I'm tired of typing up full descriptions...

Aeron, Reiko, Desperadoz, Narz, Rain, oh, and me =)

There are numerous other people that I've played that are great at 1 or 2 settings, but not many that I know good at more than 2.

This! :thumbsup

Completely agree with Punk. Even the part about him being in there. Great all round, Phoenix was bad ass.

Spanker was great too, but he does hax in JK and CS. And he whines when you kill him like he just witnessed his dad bumfucking his mum.

Didn't Desp cheat like a mofo? And you forgot about JZA. JZA=god. /thread

Posted : 06/12/2011 2:56 pm
Estimable Member

I'm the best at JK

Posted : 14/03/2015 11:23 am
Estimable Member

I'm the best JK player of all time. After me the list goes:
Spanker (even though I've caught him with had his mechanics are sick)

Posted : 09/03/2017 10:22 am
New Member

lol how's it going shinji?

AssKicker belongs on that list.

Do you guys still frequent IRC and all that?

Posted : 17/03/2017 11:50 am
Estimable Member

hey trav! I just started coming back online. I finally got a computer.
good to see you man. I was thinking that asskicker deserves to be on that list too. I guess id probably put him ahead of narz or phoenix.

log back on and chill

Posted : 19/03/2017 2:54 am
FF Gunz Freak

@nkm_thc does this take still hold up over 16 years later?

spidey ... fccUY_UctA

Posted : 07/01/2024 11:34 am
FF Gunz Freak

Posted by: @nkm_thc

The only people who say CTF doesn't count as a setting or the ones who never bothered to learn CTF. They'd jump in to a CTF game and get lost, and say screw this, and then quit. Well, the only people who used to say that. I'm bored here and beating a dead horse by bumping this topic, but whatever. :/

The JK CTF community was awesome. I was lucky enough to get involved in it when a lot of good players were still around, even some old school CTFers would stop by from time to time. I remember laughing my ass off when I came back to JK briefly after a long hiatus, and seeing all these "new" and "awesome" CTFers who thought they were hot shit. They were all like mindless drones and carbon copies. They all had the exact same style. Nothing to call their own. In the late zone days onward to IRC. They all sucked.

This was true not just to CTF, but to NF Guns and FF Guns too. They all had the wannabe Spanker style of FF Guns, except that they didnt have his hacks, and they relied too much on the Dark Surge (they were all darkies). Like I guess I could say I played just like them in FF Guns with a conc dest spam style, but even without getting the Surge I could still survive and beat someone down by changing to a defensive style. I could even survive against a massive gun puller saberist like Rekio. All those new people couldn't do that at all. They didnt have the stuff that people like Aeron, Rekio, Shinji, etc had at their primes.

Even coming back to IRC after a long ass time, I remember, I was rusty as hell and I played Shinji, Spidey, and Punk, and beat all of them. Shinji just had a hella bad game and played like crap he used to kick a whole lot of ass. I don't know who Spidey was, but he couldn't handle the defensive darkie style that I had to put up (because I couldnt beat him to surge ever - i was hella rusty and he kicked my ass whenever I tried to get it, so I said screw the surge), and he lost because he thought controlling the surge was more important than controlling all the health packs and bacta. WLP_Punk I noticed got a lot better at JK than he used to be, so kudos to him for that, but I still managed to beat him by a measly one point too because he didnt know how to play defensively. he was so predictable in getting surge and then spamming and then getting surge and then spamming. It's a cool style if it works for you vs your opponent but if its not working for you and youre dieing you need to do something else. i also came on IRC and kicked everyones ass in NF guns too. Those new new new schoolers are a bunch of newbs. =P

Anyway, all around JKers?

Phoenix was a great all arounder in my opinion, although she couldnt play CTF. I still give the ho credit however

Nightmarez I would say I'd have to list. He sucked donkey balls at nf guns and he hacked in FF but nonetheless he gets honorable mention here

Logicbomb for sure deserves a place on the list. He was an all-arounder when not many people were, he was good at everything. Not sure if he CTFed, I didnt even CTF back then, or even play NF Guns I dont think

Shinji was a good all arounder at one point, for sure. He got really sucky and the new new new schoolers probably have no idea about him, but he was pretty pwn at one point. Dunno if he was ever great at nf guns though

I guess Aeron has a place here even though he wasnt good at nf guns at all and probably not CTF either. But he completely dominated FF Guns, hands down, period, and that deserves placement on the tHc list.

I cant believe Interloper put himself here. I remember when he claimed to be super leet and joined DSbr and i kicked his ass in ff guns 10 to 0. he was a faggot and a newb, i never liked him. And he couldnt even play NF guns to save his life, or CTF. he maybe learned nf guns on IRC when like there were 5 new new new schooler JKers left, but whatever, that means dick all. Loper is a newb

tHc gets put on tHc's own list. tHc was never a super leet FF Gunner, but he was good enough to beat Spanker and Narz and Rekio and marez at one point or another down the line, along with AssKicker and shit. But I mean, I wasn't good at JK at all back in the golden (In my opinion) WD vs DSbr days when Luke_16 was around, WD_Death, and all that shit. He was good FF Guns teammate, he pwned at nf guns 1v1 and 2v2 and ctf nf 2v2 (werd). thc sucked donkey balls at ff sabers and nf sabers though. thc couldnt beat anyone that was elite at those settings. he could rape all the newbs and intermediates, but he got raped by all the elites.

Rekio I dont know. I know he was a badass FF Saberist and could hold his own in FF Guns but I dont think he could play NF Guns or CTF at all. Like, i dont think he even ever played NF guns in his life, so he doesnt qualify :P

and that is thcs pointless list. it means nothing, ok later JKers


^ that take πŸ™‚


spidey ... fccUY_UctA

Posted : 07/01/2024 11:38 am
FF Gunz Freak

I think XZIST or NKM_GoldenWolf? is pretty damn good. Could be considered a top NF gunner and is very competent in ff guns. Not sure about his CTF skills, and nf sabz is meaningless as we all know.Β 

spidey ... fccUY_UctA

Posted : 07/01/2024 11:43 am
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