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- Create Date March 4, 2022
- Last Updated March 4, 2022
Harjassk Diplomacy
Lamnin Fresca dodged another Rebel Officer as she hurried to the bridge. Being a captain in the
New Republic was very different to a life as a commando. Now was one of those occasions.
Earlier, while sitting down for a meal, she was called for an 'emergency' meeting with General
Such things usually meant a mission. It was times like these Lamnin could see why Skywalker
resigned from the New Republic and became a civilian. Turning the last bend, she caught a
glimpse of Drassk finishing a conversation with a flight officer, and resume his at
attention stance.
"Greetings Lamnin," Drassk spoke, although his mechanical replicator made it a little
hard to understand.
"General." Lamnin responded, nodding her head slightly.
"Lamnin, I know you don't normally do this," the General paused, "but I have a diplomacy
mission for you."
_What?_ Lamnin thought. She could barely hold her surprise.
"What?" Lamnin's spoken question echoed her thoughts.
"The planet Harjassk, in the Aega System. The planet has some," he paused to collect
his thoughts, "aah, features that the New Republic could benefit from."
"But why me?" Lamnin managed. Something strange was going on, she could feel it.
"You have certain, aah, skills, that might prove useful. You will be fully briefed on
the way. Good luck."
Lamnin knew a dismissal when she heard one, so she turned and walked out. A diplomacy mission?
Something was definately wrong. 'You have skills that might prove useful?' The general obviously
knew more than he was letting on.
On the way past her quarters she grabbed her lightsaber and her faithful Blas-Tech pistol.
As Lamnin leaped into her modified A-Wing, Lamnin knew that whatever the General was hiding,
she would find out all too soon...
Level by: Matthew Pate