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Top 5 (or 10) all-around JK players of "all time?"

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Honorable Member

its silly pothead

Posted : 18/07/2006 2:53 pm
Active Member

aeron, asskicker, narz, luke18 and marez in my opinion.. anyone before then i am totally oblivious of because i was a jedi saber newbie

phoenix and spanker got really good but they got good way too late (longer after the said above quit). but i dont think either of them would still beat the lagging korean wonder aeron at ff o before he quit

Posted : 10/09/2006 11:18 pm
Estimable Member

aeron, asskicker, narz, luke18 and marez in my opinion.. anyone before then i am totally oblivious of because i was a jedi saber newbie

phoenix and spanker got really good but they got good way too late (longer after the said above quit). but i dont think either of them would still beat the lagging korean wonder aeron at ff o before he quit

pfft no mention of me? You're kicked out of WD for disobediance!

WD_Reiko, WD_NiKoN, JaG_Reiko, JaG_NiKoN

Posted : 11/09/2006 4:45 pm
Estimable Member

welcome back crisis

Topic starter Posted : 12/09/2006 7:47 am
Eminent Member

A lot of you are listing people like Aeron and Legacy and shit for CTF for some reason. Or Spanker, too.

Guys, they didnt even play CTF and if they did (legacy) they sucked donkey dick at it. seriously. like almost everyone youre putting on this list could not play ctf good at all.

nightmarez was okay at ctf, i do remember that though. he was as good at ctf as i was at ff and nf sabers. that means good enough to know what youre doing and beat all of the newbies and intermediate players, but not good enough to beat anyone that was an expert, or elite.

myself, of course, am the greatest all arounder ever because my ctf abilities surpass all. !!!111oneone

I was just bored this morning and visiting these forums so I made a reply here. How's it going everyone?

Posted : 28/07/2007 2:07 am
Honorable Member

ctf isnt a real setting, its like bragging about being the mots champion.

Posted : 30/07/2007 10:23 am
Reputable Member

This post is long. Nearly everything I post is long. If you are not aware of this by now, you have never read one of my numerous novel-posts.

This is the problem with the vast majority of JK'ers.

What happened is that they came to JK and only heard/learned about the famous players who were just slightly before their time (which means 3 months), then they meet the regulars and see other players progress as time goes by. The issue is apparent. They know nothing whatsoever of the past. Almost as if, JK, as it were, had no past before they came. This however, is just not so.

There is only one other user on this forum that can confirm what I am typing and that, of course, is Mask. He and (primarily) his brother would be well aware that what I am typing is very true and has been long forgotten in the sands of time.

If anyone else had honestly been in the mainstream of JK around late 1997 to mid 1998, they would have witnessed one of the most amazing feats in gaming history. The rise and decline of the Knights of the Round Table. The clan was founded in October 1997 and disbanded in April 1998.

The clan was 24-1 in their overall battle history and their only loss came from EA, in which EA cheated in both of their matches 40-15 (1st battle), 40-25 (2nd battle) CO TDM NF matches. This has historically been confirmed. Both EA LunaticRED and EA DraGonX were both later caught hacking. Lun went into hiding and changed names and DraGonX laid low and moved through various gunning clans (including HDK).

This clan was invite only for a reason; they had ridiculously skilled players on their limited roster.

In their short reign they defeated virtually every top clan of JK, which cemented their domination at the optimal best clan in JK. Nearly everyone looked up to them, and they were vastly respected for their humble demeanor and admired for their impeccable JK skills.

Defeated Clans by KRT: (listed chronologically)

Clan battle digression:

a) IRN was highly regarding during their loss.
b) RISK battled for KKC.
c) EA Thrasher and DH_Sithlord battled for GS. GS is the parent clan that formed JCS out of its ashes.
d) IRN_Mist was the 3rd member who battled for EA during their 2nd round. This is Mist from Singapore. Not to be confused with Misty_JCS.
e) JaG/EA_Memnoch battled for JE, JaG_LordOfThePit battled for SA.
f) Hubes and Danus of the original DarkSaber (DSbr) were defeated in FF.
g) EA_Armgageddon and Edoras_JCS (a founder of JCS) played for GS.
h) JKE was one of the prominent NF sabers clans during this period.
i) Other famous players may have been involved in these battles, yet I am not aware of their nicknames as per the era.

The above should indicate that KRT did not defeat baddie clans left and right. Some of these players are among the most revered in all of JK history within their respective fields.

The majority of all of these clan battles were fought using 4 principle members of KRT; Mr Wiz, Mata Leao, Kaminari, Syco. MacLeod would be the 5th as he played in the 2nd most amount of clan battles for KRT.

You may now underlying understanding of the actual clan. Consider what you have been reading. Consider the scope of play that these players were capable of. There were literally hundreds of thousands of players back then. They ranged in various skills. CWT and the Ladders were just coming into realization. JK was becoming solidified as a revolutionary game. And during this grandiose period of revelations, one player stood atop the pinnacle of godhood. This was Mata Leao. His understudy was KRT_MacLeod, whom was overshadowed by Mata's early dominance, but was able to achieve godhood status during his tenor in IRN.

Mata, Mac, Syco, and Kaminari were absolute masters in each setting of JK.

Anyone from the ORIGINAL IRN, DSbr, JAG, EA, or GS would agree with this uncontroversial and absolute.

Notes from the author:

1) I did not waste much time composing this email. I was able to compile specific clan battle information and dates from the original time capsule KRT website, untouched since April 1998.

2) During no time have I personally mentioned any interaction with any player during the history of JK. Therefore, any attempts to besmirch any text here within regarding my stature related to any players therein JK history.

3) I was personal friends with certain members of KRT itself, during and after the clans reign. KRT MrWiz, whom I am friends with in real life (e.g. outside of your basement) donated the untouched KRT website on behalf of JK history and preservation. This original site was not indirectly given to me and anyone contemplating suggestions otherwise shall autonomously acquire genital warts for their blasphemy.

4) As previously noted, the only applicable forum user who may be of any valid use regarding this specific post is Mask and or his brother C1. Considering they were MAINSTREAM users around during this specific period.

5) CTF has not been calculated into my post consideration. It should be noted that CTF was a prominent setting during various eras of JK's elongated history. The first CWT tournaments, which included the first CTF tournaments were held in May 1998, and were won by DSbr (FF) and SLJ (NF). KRT disbanded before CWT began and the clan as a whole was not around to compete and witness the growth and excitement of CWT.

6) I had forgotten to mention why KRT turned to dust. In late April of 1998, the clan already had acheived everything within JK. MrWiz and JmY (JediMasterYoda) aka Masks brother had already became rank 1 on Cases Ladder, their clan was arguably the best in JK, and the had the #1 website of JK according to the Clan Awards (that was a big deal back then). When you reach this pinnacle in such a short amount of time and are able to repeatedly beat the best clans around there is nothing else to be had. KRT turned to vapor and just like that their memory was quickly overshadowed by an ever changing JK of 1998. EA, IRN, GS, and JAG quickly took over the spotlight and the rest is history.

7) I myself was never in KRT and was never good enough to tryout for KRT. They only except the best of the best, not trash like myself. If anything, I could have been their urinal assistant.

MrWiz went solo and then went into college.
Mata went solo and formed MR (great story)
MacLeod joined a few small guns clans and eventually landed a role in IRN
Kaminari changed his name and was solo before retiring
SyCo changed his name and was Kybo in EoS and Element

without going into details, a few other members went on to join EA, IRN, and JaG.

Certain members of JaG and DSbr would be likely candidates for this topic. LotP was profound in every setting. He was also a trainee member in KRT in the last days.

KRT JmY would also be a great candidate. He was an exceptional all around player. His career included KRT, KoAC, KoAJ, KTL, SLDR and he was rank 1 on Cases Ladder two times. He is also the brother of the shemale Mask.

Note: antagonistic remarks by Phelan lay to blind eyes.

- Wodz

Posted : 31/07/2007 5:30 pm
Eminent Member

wow, your full of useless information.

lol, sorry im just jealous to the fact that I wasnt around from 97. As would the majority of people who post on this forum.

I played HDK when I first joined the Zone & they were very good players. They dissapeared shortly after apart from a few rogue players.

never heard of KRT

Posted : 31/07/2007 7:12 pm
Honorable Member

phelan > chronos

the super friends known as DSbr in late 98 to early 99 = the best evar

no honourable mentions to DH and Atomic?

i think you dislike the clans that were known to be assholes πŸ™

Posted : 01/08/2007 9:43 am
Active Member

Hmm so Lowbacca wasn't mentioned once in all of this 😯 πŸ˜‰

Posted : 01/08/2007 2:21 pm
Estimable Member

here`s a thought.. Who the fuck cares..

Posted : 08/08/2007 3:06 pm
Reputable Member

If you do not care. Why would you waste your time posting on a forum so often?

Who the fuck cares is a faulty question. If this topic was being held on a WoW forum, your question would be applicable.

Since this is not the case, proceed to stfu.

Posted : 09/08/2007 5:43 am
Estimable Member

If you do not care. Why would you waste your time posting on a forum so often?

Who the f**k cares is a faulty question. If this topic was being held on a WoW forum, your question would be applicable.

Since this is not the case, proceed to stfu.

cause i was waiting for your reply.. just to call you gay

Posted : 09/08/2007 10:54 am
Eminent Member

There was this mysterious player noone really knew that went by the name of BSB_Pikachu. He would show up very rarely. It was my understanding that this dude, under whatever name, murdered BSB_Mercyman at FF oasis and Mercyman pussed out and started calling out the hacker accusations toward this guy. So he left and made a BSB_Pikachu zone name and came back to menace Mercyman even more, as Mercyman would cry to everyone about the Pikachu guy not really being in BSB. Every now and then this dude would come to the zone and kick some serious butt. I never heard of him losing. I do remember it was news when WildFirez killed him once in an oasis duel. That is the only time i know of that anyone killed BSB_Pikachu. I'm trying to think of his original name, before he switched to Pikachu. Barney something?

Thank you God for giving me all of these Star Wars friends. May the Force be with us all.

Posted : 09/08/2007 2:37 pm
Estimable Member

never heard of him, but MercyMan sucked at FF Guns =). would like to play pikachu, or maybe he's an alias?

WD_Reiko, WD_NiKoN, JaG_Reiko, JaG_NiKoN

Posted : 10/08/2007 12:06 pm
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