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Can someone recreate Zone's Nar if I pay them?

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Honorable Member

sounds like he's going to make a program to simultaneously hack the entire jk community!

Posted : 09/08/2009 8:54 am
Eminent Member

Good morning, good evening, good afternoon Nenakspaspipa

Ignore these guys, you will get them with your subscription fee's

Very good idea, join #nar and I will contact u, great business idea, 5 dollars monthly subscription to play, and we are set good thinking bud.

I am the king

Posted : 09/08/2009 12:01 pm
New Member

yes monthly subscription will definitely help this program off the ground

Posted : 09/08/2009 2:35 pm
New Member

Wodz did you hear those saber newbies ??? remember on those old processors you could hang on wallls and saber@ the cave to 100 kills

Posted : 08/12/2009 9:03 am
New Member

u ppl still exist!

Posted : 11/12/2009 2:18 am
Noble Member

It is well within my ability to create a lobby+table+launch system for JK for windows OS, but it would be over IRC, although virtually hidden. I.e., the user will not be aware/care of its implementation, and the people on the channel in which it operates would be oblivious to its operation for the most part (using custom client-to-client messages to make a network, sort of). I have already detailed a skeleton for how the application will operate, and plan to get started on it within the next few days. I should have a beta within a month's time (but it could be much longer). The details for how I plan to implement this are as follows:

(Henceforth, "message" will refer to a CTCP message, not an ordinary private/channel message unless explicitly stated otherwise)

1. The client will work completely off custom CTCP (client-to-client protocol) messages. Regular IRC clients will (should) ignore these messages, or they will have simply no effect.

2. Upon entering a channel, the client will send a message to each person in the room and wait for a response and add it to a list of "known clients," as well as identifying itself with any clients in the room at the time. It will monitor JOINs and PARTs and will communicate similarly.

3. Check for redundancies and verify said "known clients" based on a timed event.

4. Client will send a message informing known clients upon exiting and they will react accordingly.

5. Players will be allowed to host one game. The following will be allowable options: amount of players; passworded tables; used mods; current game status (playing/pre-launch). Likely to be more, these are just essentials.

6. Tables, upon joining, will open in their own window and have their own private chats. Such chat will be rerouted through the host and sent to people currently in the table, no new channels are required.

7. Players are able to join one table at a time.

8. A launcher, similar to the zone, with a countdown. Players must all click launch for the countdown to begin. When the countdown reaches 0, the game is launched just like the zone and the host sets up game modes. Support for mods is a must but will probably take a back seat (if they prove troublesome) until the essentials are taken care of. On the game's exit, messages will also be sent to reflect that.

9. This will all be written in C++ and winAPI+MFC and will require no dependencies, or such dependencies will accompany the .exe as reasonable-sized .dlls. Not giant SDKs or frameworks to download. Plus, native code is always faster than interpreted/semi-compiled code like C#.

These are the very minimal requirements under which I will release a beta. If unforeseen challenges come up, or something in my life takes precedence, you can bet this project will be put on hold. But you should be able to get what I'm doing here, it's not rocket science. It's an event-driven system the makes a network out of the clients currently running under a channel. Status information is constantly updated but not done excessively.

If there are any problems with what I've outlined, or something's lacking, speak up sooner than later.


I won't be taking any money for this. However, after the first beta, I'll consider setting up a donation account (probably on paypal). After each significant beta/release, if there's a donation, it will undoubtedly relinquish my interest in this project and you can expect faster results.


First off, my apologies for not seeing your post sooner. This is an excellent idea and is very similar to ZeqMacaw's planned implementation of "tables" for JKLauncher. He has, however, not completed this goal and may never, for that matter.

I would absolutely love it if you could do this. I and the JK community will support you 100% on this. Financial incentives can be arranged.

- ReT

ruthless deeds return to harass their architect

Posted : 03/01/2010 1:00 pm
Reputable Member

Well, its good to see you all still messing around with JK.
If you ever get 100 people playing it again it will be a miracle though. If you do, come find me. My email is still the same [email protected]

Maybe someone could pick up where Zeq left off if he is not willing to continue work on it.

Posted : 04/01/2010 4:07 am
New Member

Prince is a newbie clan

shut up bitch

Posted : 06/01/2010 5:32 pm
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