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Simple Script to Launch JK as Host

Estimable Member

This is AHK script. Just copy n paste n enjoy
This script requires AcidRain's .bat file method of launching mods. Which has also bee updated now with a first option of "vanilla" to launch jk with no mods.

SetKeyDelay 30, 30
SetControlDelay 0
SetTitleMatchMode, 3

mod = jke
gameName = omg game name
maxPlayers := 32
useScoreLimit := false
scoreLimit := 100
useTimeLimit := false
timeLimit := 1
useTeamPlay := false
useSingleLevelOnly := false
usePassword := true
password = haxor
maxJediRank := 8

Run, C:Program Files (x86)LucasartsJedi Knightmod.bat, C:Program Files (x86)LucasartsJedi Knight
Sleep, 1000
IfWinActive, JK Launcher  -:::-:::- by: AcidRain
	Send, %mod%
	Send, {ENTER}
	Sleep, 2000
	WinActivate, Jedi Knight - DevMode
	MsgBox, Dont press shit

;Now select the player
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
IfWinActive, Jedi Knight - DevMode
	;click on the ok button
		Sleep, 1000
		MouseMove, 558, 468
		Send, {LButton Down}
		Send, {LButton Up}

	;select multiplayer
		Sleep, 500
		MouseMove, 320, 273
		Send, {LButton Down}
		Send, {LButton Up}

	;select host game
		Sleep, 500
		MouseMove, 463, 119
		Send, {LButton Down}
		Send, {LButton Up}

	;select tcp/ip
		Sleep, 500
		MouseMove, 313, 244
		Send, {LButton Down}
		Send, {LButton Up}	

	;select ok button
		Sleep, 500
		MouseMove, 526, 471
		Send, {LButton Down}
		Send, {LButton Up}		

	;now select user defined game settings
	;set game name
		MouseMove, 280, 156
		Send, {LButton Down}
		Send, {LButton Up}
		Loop, 16
			Send, {BackSpace}
		Send, %gameName%

	;set max players
		MouseMove, 278, 191
		Send, {LButton Down}
		Send, {LButton Up}
		Loop, 2
			Send, {BackSpace}
		Send, %maxPlayers%

	;using score limit?
		PixelGetColor, color, 30, 233
		if(color = 0x000000)
			usingScoreLimit := true
			} else {
			usingScoreLimit := false

		if(useScoreLimit == true && usingScoreLimit == false)
			;turn on score limit
			MouseMove, 30, 233
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}					

		if(useScoreLimit == false && usingScoreLimit == true)
			;turn off score limit
			MouseMove, 30, 233
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}			

		if(useScoreLimit == true)
			;set the score limit
			MouseMove, 280, 227
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}
			Loop, 4
				Send, {BackSpace}
			Send, %scoreLimit%	

	;using time limit?
		PixelGetColor, color, 30, 268
		if(color = 0x000000)
			usingTimeLimit := true
			} else {
			usingTimeLimit := false

		if(useTimeLimit == true && usingTimeLimit == false)
			;turn on time limit
			MouseMove, 30, 268
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}					

		if(useTimeLimit == false && usingTimeLimit == true)
			;turn off time limit
			MouseMove, 30, 268
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}			

		if(useTimeLimit == true)
			;set the time limit
			MouseMove, 280, 258
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}
			Loop, 4
				Send, {BackSpace}
			Send, %timeLimit%

	;using team play?
		PixelGetColor, color, 30, 303
		if(color = 0x000000)
			usingTeamPlay := true
			} else {
			usingTeamPlay := false

		if(useTeamPlay == true && usingTeamPlay == false)
			;turn on teamplay
			MouseMove, 30, 303
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}					

		if(useTeamPlay == false && usingTeamPlay == true)
			;turn off team play
			MouseMove, 30, 303
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}			

	;using single-level only?
		PixelGetColor, color, 30, 338
		if(color = 0x000000)
			usingSingleLevelOnly := true
			} else {
			usingSingleLevelOnly := false

		if(useSingleLevelOnly == true && usingSingleLevelOnly == false)
			;turn on SingleLevelOnly
			MouseMove, 30, 338
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}					

		if(useSingleLevelOnly == false && usingSingleLevelOnly == true)
			;turn off SingleLevelOnly
			MouseMove, 30, 338
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}			

	;using password?
		MouseMove, 282, 413
		Send, {LButton Down}
		Send, {LButton Up}
		Loop, 16
			Send, {BackSpace}
		if(usePassword == true) {
			Send, %password%

	;set max jedi rank
		MouseMove, 323, 155
		Loop, 8
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}			
		MouseMove, 354, 156
		Loop, %maxJediRank%
			Send, {LButton Down}
			Send, {LButton Up}				

else {
	MsgBox, Dont press shit

Easily modified and turned into cmd line tool.

Topic starter Posted : 07/04/2015 9:52 am

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