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What The Forums (and site) Need For V4

Trusted Member

Okay, for a few months now we've been discussing the state of the forums and the site. I'm going to place everything we've been discussing in this one thread, where we can vote and move forward.

First- The rules: Rule or no rules. If you are in favor of the rules, please present a draft or an idea for the Code Of Rules, such as the Draft here.

Second- What members should be banned.

Third- What to do about the spam bot problem

Forth-Clans: It's my job as Community Relations to reach out to clans and ask them if they'd like to become a part of our growing community (among other things.) I've contacted ORJ (Jos, I e-mailed you awhile ago from [email protected]) If you know any other clans for JK/MOTS, please link to them here or feel free to e-mail them to me at [email protected]

Fifth-We need to put the forums off guest access.

Sixth- Anything I neglected.

Topic starter Posted : 06/01/2008 8:34 am
Noble Member

Okay, for a few months now we've been discussing the state of the forums and the site. I'm going to place everything we've been discussing in this one thread, where we can vote and move forward.

First- The rules: Rule or no rules. If you are in favor of the rules, please present a draft or an idea for the Code Of Rules, such as the Draft here.

Second- What members should be banned.

Third- What to do about the spam bot problem

Forth-Clans: It's my job as Community Relations to reach out to clans and ask them if they'd like to become a part of our growing community (among other things.) I've contacted ORJ (Jos, I e-mailed you awhile ago from [email protected]) If you know any other clans for JK/MOTS, please link to them here or feel free to e-mail them to me at [email protected]

Fifth-We need to put the forums off guest access.

Sixth- Anything I neglected.

1) I personally oppose any institution of rules in such a small community. If someone is causing such a disruption to the forums, it is probably severe enough to warrant a ban.

2) None.

3) I fixed it. only spam should be from bots posting as guests in certain forums. I do need to limit guest posting access to only the support forum.

4) There simply are no others, to my knowledge.

5) See my response to #3. Or are you referring to guest viewing? I think it's very important that with the exception of private forums, all forums are viewable by guests. Seeing the discussion on our forums encourages registration and allows google to crawl the forums. Larger prescence on google = more search engine hits.

Let me reiterate that I am always open to new ideas. If the majority disagrees with me on these points, I will support the nessecary change, if any. This site isn't mine. It belongs to all of you - the community. However, I feel that my responses adequately reflect the circumstances.

ruthless deeds return to harass their architect

Posted : 08/01/2008 11:23 am
Trusted Member

1) I personally oppose any institution of rules in such a small community. If someone is causing such a disruption to the forums, it is probably severe enough to warrant a ban.

You're correct, yet are you willing to ban anyone? Are you willing to delete redundant threads, temp ban people and talk to them about what they've done?

You're totally correct; this is a small community, but that doesn't mean it isn't just as susceptible to anarchy as something like the whole IRC network (it makes me sick to got there.) Without rules, though not immediately, any community will fail, die trying. It may seem like I'm putting a all-too realistic spin on it, but we have to look at it that way, at least I think.

You seem to think of rules be equal to elite-ism; they aren't. If we used the rules to abuse our rights, then yes, it would be. However, using rules to make sure we have a good community isn't anywhere near elite-ism.

Topic starter Posted : 09/01/2008 8:49 am
Noble Member

Honestly I couldn't agree with you more. However what I am saying is that the community as a whole does not agree with this notion. Overriding the majority opinion has a greater negative impact than positive(Think Iraqi War, lol). - ReT

ruthless deeds return to harass their architect

Posted : 10/01/2008 8:54 am
Trusted Member

Overriding the majority opinion has a greater negative impact than positive(Think Iraqi War, lol).

Actually, when it first happened the majority was in favor, but that's different thread.

You are correct; members here are use to limited rules, free-for-all threads and such. In a part that is JK Community nature, yes, but that doesn't mean it can't be changed.

First, if you're worried about being the bad guy, don't. The only people who will get made at you for enforcing rules and such are people not worth it anyway.

Second, I believe if it's done slowly and carefully we can do it. The only problem is we saw how my locking of one thread "went down" within the community. But, that's my point: It's been introduced, slowly, but surely and now we can finish it up.

I think this community can be great, let's let them show it.

Topic starter Posted : 10/01/2008 2:33 pm
Reputable Member

Well, i think he was talking about the people from Iraq... but you're right, that's another thread...

JAS - JK Online Gaming Clan

Posted : 12/01/2008 5:59 am
Noble Member

Actually, unfortionately, a lot of people who do matter would seed dissent in the community if I did something like this. It already happened once - I had even people like Wodz sympathizing and participating on Tymerz's short lived alternative JK forum movement. While ultimately these people probably realized they were wrong, I do in fact fear a similar consensus among certain players. And I reiterate that the JK community is really small... lol

ruthless deeds return to harass their architect

Posted : 01/02/2008 2:11 pm
Reputable Member

I agree with you, Ret.
Besides, i think in most cases, any problems caused by attitudes or comments considered negative by Nar Shaddaa's admins can be solved with an intervention from one of them. Even a funny remark about the comment in matter would be enough to make the "official" possition clear to everyone without having to ban members, delete posts or any other measures like those, that as Ret pointed out, can lead to unwanted results.

JAS - JK Online Gaming Clan

Posted : 02/02/2008 2:21 am

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