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- Create Date March 16, 2022
- Last Updated March 16, 2022
The New Empire Special Edition (Part 1)
It is a time of turmoil for the Galactic Empire. Hounded by the New Republic and rejected by its citizens, the Empire has been divided by squabbling warlords. One of these warlords, the self-appointed Moff Mardon, is rumored to have developed a deadly new technology, the Ageing Cylinder, at a hidden research facility. Created by former Maw Installation scientists, this device is capable of ageing a baby to a fully-trained Stormtrooper in hours without the loss of individuality caused by cloning. Meanwhile, Kyle Katarn is training a new apprentice, Emigra Da’kal, on Coruscant and he has sent her to the remote Ison system on her first field mission. Her objective: to gain audience with the crime lord Jaffo, who is reputedly in possession of critical data about the location of the evil Moff’s labs...
Level by: Chris Swan