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- Download 11
- File Size 1.27 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date September 13, 2021
- Last Updated September 13, 2021
This level takes place in the streets of the Tatooine town of Mos Espa, during the days of Kyle Katarn. It is made for RPG. It was intended to be like Drazen Isle on Tatooine without the lag, with Barons Hed RPG type jobs, and a Dralloc Hotel feel. It turned out pretty well. Please keep in mind this is the first level I have ever released, even though I have worked on editing all of this year and some of last and worked on this particular level all summer! There is a police station with a jail, an Outlaw hideout, a Restaurant, a Cantina, a Med Center, a house, a hangar, a gun store, and a hotel. There is also a cool Air Shaft that surrounds the whole level and has lots of sniping spots along the way, so a skilled assassin can take out a few people. In addition to these, there are lots more secrets, which are listed in the SECRETS.txt file included in the zip file. This level is best played FF (with Force Jump), RPG, and with a SNIPING mod that gives you a scope, like Guns and Such or Killer's Weapons Patch. I hope I have written enough to get you to download the level now...