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- Create Date March 4, 2022
- Last Updated March 7, 2022
MotS SP Level Pack
Haunted House-Part One (dddddd.goo) is basically you trying to get
the Holocube that you lost during an architectural dig. Plus you must
Kill all the rancors (4). Once you have completed this press T then enter
GAMEOVER. For all of them Press T then also enter these codes:IAMAGOD, DIEDIEDIE
Sith-Part Two (hoth.goo) is the same thing except you must kill the Dark Mara(1) instead of 4 rancors.
Also here you must find the GCT. Hit GAMEOVER at the end.
Sand-Part Three (gooo.goo) is a little different. There are pedestrians and
Predators. Plus this is in broad daylight.
Predator3:The Revenge (hq54321.goo) -Thanks to the guy who built the predator 3DOs.
Your Object Kill all the predators and get the GCT Device. This May not
be as hard as the rest, but the predators are based on Trandoshan.
TIPS-These are very hard levels and you might need a few pointers.
~Check Your Map to find hidden walls.
~Predators are big and are easy to kill with the Lightsaber.
~Any thing unusual usually means secret. Example-Sideways Water Fall
~Dark Jedi have problems hitting you in water, but they still have
the Force
~These Missions Need you to be stealthy.
Levels by: DarkMaul2