An attempt to make a CTF level that works with a small number of players and relies on strategy. Non-symmetrical, and with plenty of new cogs to keep things somewhat interesting. Set on a snow world, with lots of caves.
Level by: Brian "Arby" Taylor
Some notes on BlargCTF:
The idea was to make the two bases as different as possible, so the yellow base is more open and relies on force fields for defense, while the red base is more enclosed and has glass as its defense.
Yes, the caves are difficult to navigate, but they'll give you access to the red base without showing up on the map, and if you learn them, you'll have an advantage.
All the glass in the red base respawns after eight seconds. Shoot it wisely.
On the gold side, the bridge is constantly buffeted by high winds. If the wind breaker is not at full power, you must crouch to walk across, otherwise, you will be blown off. Also, if you jump above the wind breaker, you will be blown off.
There are no concs or mines in this level. Yes, that is for a reason.
The bases are designed to be easily defendable by one person. This is because of the wonderful JK netcode and how it allows for about four people per game.
The lighting and architecture aren't that great because I'm not a level editor. If you don't like the texturing, blame Zuljin.