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- Create Date May 12, 2002
- Last Updated August 7, 2022
JKL Import for JK2Radiant & GtkRadiant v1.2b Source Code
A few notes in random order...
Compiles under Delphi 6, "should" compile under Delphi 5 too but this is not
tested with the current version. I´am sure it won´t work with Delphi 4 or lower.
You may/will need to change the output dir and host application so they match
your setup.
The project group for both the Gtk and jk2 version. A good file to start
with :).
Project file for JK2Radiant version.
Project file for GtkRadiant version.
The project files are the only two files that are unique for the diffrent
versions. All other source files are shared between the two versions.
When diffrent code is needed defines are used; "GTKRADIANT" for, drumroll,
GtkRadiant and "Q3RADIANT" for JK2Radiant (remember the first version where
for Q3Radiant).
By: André Di Geronimo a.k.a dr0id