Jedi Knight Legendary Extremists
The Jedi Knight Legendary Extremists or JKLE for short are a group of old time Jedi Knight and MOTS Players, all of our clan members have been playing Jedi Knight since 1997. We are a recent clan and we are mostly based in Mysteries Of The Sith. Every weekend we host a dedicated Mysteries Of The Sith server for our clan and other members of the MTOS community. We also host fun events like a monthly JKPONG tourney or JKCHESS tourney. Currently our clan consists of
JKLE_Nick[LSF] - RED Soilder in Jedi Knight, Bounty Hunter in MOTS
JKLE_Kurgan - GREEN Soilder in Jedi Knight, Jedi in MOTS
JKLE_Ross - ORANGE Soilder in Jedi Knight, Soilder in MOTS
JKLE_Cougar - BLUE Soilder in Jedi Knight, Scout in MOTS
We do not have a website, but instead all meet in this topic and on AIM
(JKLE) Schedule For October 2006
*Every weekend - Dedicated MOTS Server hosted by JKLE_Kurgan, The IP is, everyone is welcome
*Saturday October 18th - First Annaul "JKLE Pong Tourney" in which our members will duke it out in JKPONG, which is a pong level for Jedi Knight
*Saturday October 28th - First Annaul "JKLE Chess Tourney" in which our members will battle it out in JKCHESS, which is a chess level for Jedi Knight
-Subject To Change
Contact xMasterKatarnx on AIM for clan info, games and joining information