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- Create Date August 13, 1998
- Last Updated August 7, 2022
JED Plugins - MiniPlugins Version 0.5
Included are three plugins for use with JED .81.
1.) StatMan: This plugin will retrieve the following data from the current level:
a.) Sector Count
b.) Surface Count
c.) Thing Count
d.) Light Count
e.) Number of a certain Template (chosen by the user).
Known Issues: The Template must be spelled exactly the same as it is in the level. For
example, walkplayer is not the same as WALKPLAYER. Please take note of this (especially when
retrieving the stats of a .jkl file).
2.) CMP Fix: This plugin will set all sector ColorMaps to the Master Colormap that is defined in
the level header.
Known Issues: None.
3.) Mat Replace: This plugin will prompt you for a Mat (texture) to replace, and then for Mat to
replace it with. This process may take a while for larger levels.
Known Issues: The 3dPreview does not update after using Mat replace. You must reload it
for the changes to take effect.
By: Mark Jones