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- Create Date March 4, 2022
- Last Updated March 4, 2022
Gring'raa II
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Mara Jade has landed in an orbital cargo station in the Elrood star system.
She is looking for a smaller blaster than her present one. The kind she's looking
for is illegal in the New Republic, so she'll have to use some of her influence
from her days with Karrde combined with some minor force-tricks to succeed.
This is a few years before the peace-treaty was signed by the Empire and the
New Republic. Someone has recognized Mara, and tipped of the Imperial garrison on
Nentan, a few star systems away, and here they are. She is vastly outnumbered,
although the Imp's don't know that Mara has become a Jedi. The only way of making it back to
Yavin, a quarter of the galaxy away, is by capturing some small and fast ship and escape the paroling TIE-interceptors. That's why the Corellian Corvette who's recently docked isn't good enough. It'll be blasted before you say Taun-taun.
Remember: a Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, NEVER for attack! And a Jedi don't hurt innocents, either. That's bad for the academy. =()
The cargo transfer station, called "Ging'raa II" after it's designer, Agellar Ging'raa, was built during the aftermath of the clone wars, when the Empire took shape, for logistic purposes, and was managed by the Elrood government. At the liberation from the empire, the government was shattered and there was much confusion. Smugglers partially took over the place, bribing the officials still in control. After the liberation of a very important trade route, which meant the traders didn't need to take the long way, the station was almost abandoned, leaving only the ones having affairs in the vicinity left. Involved in the construction were several hundred Ugnauts and reeyees, and since then they are permanent inhabitants working mainly with maintenance. The facility can manage ships of up to 50 m of length inside the main hangars, and there are six major hangars and eight minor ones. Larger ones, like Corvettes and some frigates, uses external docking tubes supplied by Ging'raa.
height: 860 m
width: (nearly symmetric) 430m
Population: about 300
Daily gross import: about 20000 metric tonnes
Mass: 1300000 metric tonnes
Age: 42 years
Location: Elrood star system. Core.
Hull: Durasteel alloy, magnetically sealed transparisteel.
Shields: None
Weapons: None
Orbit: 630 kms
Level by: Niklas Häll