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- File Size 1.61 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 30, 2022
- Last Updated January 30, 2022
Vader vs Obi-Wan Special Edition v1.2
This is a remake of my Vader vs Obi-Wan saber battle for JK, it was
such a disappointment, I had to make it again!! The improvements
* Death Star Hangar now looks more like the real thing
* Cutscene showing Vader & Ben talking
* Cutscene showing Han, Leia, Chewie, Luke, Threepio and artoo
escaping from the Death Star
* Ben is harder and now has force powers
* Better ambience and atmosphere
* Better Obi-Wan skin (sorry Skinners!!)
* New and better MATs
* All the characters have voice overs
* Updates *
This version includes a Vader skin patch, please refer to VSKIN.TXT for details.
Updated with a new Obi-Wan skin by Snootle, now Obi-Wan wears his hood like the movie.
For some reason, the corridor you start in is much darker in this version!
Level by: Anthony Piggott