The Sendaar Surissi Spacefreighter

by | Mar 13, 2022

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  • Create Date March 13, 2022
  • Last Updated March 13, 2022

The Sendaar Surissi Spacefreighter

This episode took place some time after Kyle destroyed the Arc Hammer.

Kyle was sent out on a mission to scan a civilian freighter for stolen rebel property. A tip came from an Alliance Agent that this ship was carrying six stolen A-wings, our newest and most advanced fighter. It would be a major crisis if those ships remained in the hands of the empire. We think this ship is headed for an imperial research facility in deep space, where the technologies would be reversed engineered. If this should happen, the next batch of TIE's would have small, compact and effective shields, making them far more deadly than today.

As Kyle approached in a civilian-looking shuttle, the imperial ship suddenly launched a group of TIE Interceptors and damaged Katarn's vessel. Kyle fainted under the attacks due to the onboard explosions. He was then picked up by a boarding crew and taken to a cell. Then someone messed up, only throwing him in his cell, lifeless, and not bothering to check Kyle for any weapons.

You wake up in your "cell", and must prevent this ship from reaching imperial territory. The only way to abort or rather reroute the hyper jump would be to take the bridge by force, and reprogramming the navicomputer.  This is your only alternative since a task force of dreadnoughts has moved in to protect the Sendaar Surissi.  From an outer enemy. Not very discrete. But the result of a blown up ship and escaping fighter would be your immediate elimination. We don't need that, do we? After all, you have a job to do in the original Dark Forces II... 🙂

And, last, please do something creative with the jed-file contained in this zip-file. I have spent so much time making it, and now I won't have time for it until about a year and a half from now..

There are two bugs in this game by the way. Unfortunately, I don't have the time right now to deal with them. First one: I was unable to take away Kyles weapons at startup, but this way, you may have a greater chance to stay alive on the other hand. =/
The second bug is when you cross the goal adjoin, there's a windows message telling something about line 0 not going to line 0 or something like that.

Enjoy your playing nerves!

This is a single level not related to anything else I've done before. I have also included a jed file containing the architecture for an almost completed corellian corvette. Why? Because I don't have the time or energy to make something of it. So please, use it as you please!

Level by: Niklas Häll