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- File Size 50.42 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 30, 2022
- Last Updated January 30, 2022
Star Trek: The Great Experiment
This is a Mystereis of the Sith mod entitled "Star Trek: The Great Experiment." Due to a decline in interest, combined with realization that completion of this MOD would take years, I abandoned the project shortly after Hurricane Katrina flooded my home in September of 2005.
The mod features what work I'd done at recreating a few areas of the U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701, as seen in its refit configuration in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Here is a list of featured areas:
Deck 1
Deck 3
-Officer's Mess
Deck 5
-Officer's Quarters
Deck 7
-Transporter Room
Deck 8
-Docking Facility
Deck 15
I am sorry that I was not able to include areas such as Sickbay, the Photon Torpedo Launch Complex, Cargo Bay Complex, and Shuttlebay. The project was abandoned shortly before work on sickbay was to begin. I also apologize that the decks aren't "explorable". Many decks feature a small section of corridor followed by the room listed above.
However, and fan of The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek in general would love to see what I've done. What you are about to enjoy is the result of many many hours of work and research by myself. All textures and architecture created for the project were created from scratch. And, because I am both a perfectionist and a stickler for details, I strived to make this project as authentic to the Star Trek universe as possible. I hope you enjoy.
Thanks for all your support.
Donny Versiga / BSR
==SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS==================================================
You might notice that the turbolifts are non-functioning. When done viewing one deck, press "t" on your keyboard to bring up the console. Then type "gameover" to end your tour of that deck and begin touring the next available deck. After Deck 15, the game will end.