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- Create Date January 9, 2004
- Last Updated August 7, 2022
JED Plugins - Terraining - Ver. 0.3 (Jan. 2004)
How to Use
Before using this program it is assumed that you have a heightmap ready to be loaded. It must be a square BMP file and must of size:
# 16x16 or
# 32x32 or
# 64x64
If you need to scale the heightmap to size using something such as paint shop pro.
NOTE: A Heightmap of size 64x64 has about 8000 polys.
A Heightmap of size 32x32 has about 2000 polys.
A Heightmap of size 16x16 has about 450 polys.
Loading your heightmap:
FileImport Heightmap
It will ask you what size your heightmap is, choose the number that corresponds to the size you made you BMP.
Saving your 3do:
Choose the name of your 3do then save.
Preparing the terrain 3do:
Before you even attempt to load your freshly created terrain in jk you will need to do a few things first.
Load the 3do in jed, move it to the correct position in the center of the grid. Scale its proportions to what you wish to have.
Depending on how many surfaces you have you may need to divide the 3do into several different meshes. JK can handle exactly 512 triangle faces. (Note: texture vertices need to be taken into account, watch these!)
Texturing the terrain 3do:
You have many texturing options, one includes using jed. Using force remap takes about 30 seconds, so I advise playing around with it.
Download a copy of force remap:
Using this program is relativly easy. Load your 3do into it using:
You should see your terrain pop up in the little viewing screen.
Next look at the control panel section. Choose your mesh, and then select the texture and press change. Choose the texture you want on your terrain.
Now if you like, simply look down at the "Auto remap" and click "top" This applies the texture over the whole terrain and from the top view, so it all lines up. If you dont like the way it applied it click the "edit" button under "Manual remap" and you can make changes like scale etc.
After you are happy with your texture job save you terrain.
Thats pretty much it, good luck!
By Hellcat