JED Plugins – Fun3DO Version 0.5

by | Aug 4, 1999

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  • Create Date August 4, 1999
  • Last Updated August 7, 2022

JED Plugins - Fun3DO Version 0.5

- Fixed bug in the Insert 3DO command that made fun3do to save the model to the inserted 3do´s filename when saved with the file|save command.
- Changed all "windows" (messages, etc...) so they are always "on-top".
- When the model is rebuilded (Model|Rebuild) Fun3DO will remove (what it think is) unneccesery vertices, it will check the distans between them, if two vertices are less than 0.000001 (by default) apart only one will be used. This could be a problem with high detailed models so this variable can now be changed in the Advanced section of the INI file.
- Added Center Pivot command
- Added Center Mesh command
- All extracted files (open file from container) will now be saved to [F3DOPath]Extracted[File extension][filename]
- F3DO will now show some OpenGL related information at startup, usefull when sending a bug report (same as in the about box)
- Added Next/Previous Face to the edit menu.
- Changed the (Menu) "command" system, user definable. Edit|Options->Commands
- Tweaked some OpenGL code.
- Moved (texture) Linear and Nearest commands to the View menu
- Added a console to the message window where you can execute some commands (all the menu commands + a few more), you can also execute a "command script" in the File menu or pass a command script to the command line. This is not very advanced but will help me alot when hunting for bugs. (not enabled by default)
- Fixed bug at startup that would casue a "invalid floating point operation" error when using some 3D cards.
- Other stuff I don´t remember 😉

By: André Di Geronimo a.k.a dr0id