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JaG Clan History
History : JaG, currently known as the Jedi assault Group, has become a legend in the Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 community on the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone. With its roots in early 1998, JaG has seen over 70 of the top players in the game wear the JaG name with...
How to setup dgVoodoo
This is a tutorial on how to properly install and get dgVoodoo working for Jedi Knight/Mysteries of the Sith. visit http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2.html and download the latest version. Extract the two .dlls (D3DImm.dll,DDraw.dll) from the MS folder and...
History of a JK player, from anime clan noob to world champion (part 2)
Where did I leave off... Oh yes! _NERV I became fairly close with a few of my clan mates from _NERV. Toji was close to me in skill level, and was fun to talk to about martial arts. _NERV_Kelli (a dude irl) was a very competent nf saberist, and was my 2v2 team mate for...
History of a JK player, from anime clan newbie to world champion
Hi everyone, most of you know me as WD_Shinji, and I'm an avid JK player and former alcoholic. I'm friends with most of you, but I have rubbed a few people the wrong way (as I mentioned before I was an "alcoholic - binge type" for over a decade lol). I was flooding...
History of a Jedi Lord, part 3
Thanks to all of you who have read this story up to this point, and to all of the cool people I've met playing this game, and to all the guys and gals that I've only chatted with. I love all of you from the bottom of my heart. So, the year was 2003, and in a fit of...
FFo Guide (Dark Side)
First off, lets go over the keymap. I see alot of people out here streching the holy shit out of there hand when in fact, it should never move off of about 6 keys. ye, 5 fingers, stay on 6 keys at all times.Here it is:Force Pull: FForce Seeing: Left Ctrl (you wont use...
The Destruction of The Zone
Yea of course the hax are real. And actually they are great. Who can forget the build3 hax, the instant build hax, hax wars, and all of the other insane checksum passing hax created for this game.I myself personally never knew how to make hax. I read an article once...
Bose QuietComfort 35 Setup
Bose QuietComfort 35 Headphone Setup============================================================================================================================================The purpose of this document is to list the steps that are required to get these headphones...
BeefTits and Narcissism
Throughout jkdf2 history there has been some legends, some casuals, and some down right pathetic noobs. Here today we are going to be looking into one of jk's side effects on the mind, the development of narcissism. JK has been known to produce many negative side...
AcidRain and Compulsive Lying Disorder
Throughout jkdf2 history there has been some legends, some casuals, and some down right pathetic noobs. Here today we are going to be looking into one of JK's side effects on the mind, the development of Compulsive Lying Disorder. JK has been known to produce many...