DeltA 99 These are the few and the proud, the people who made the year before the millenium great, from old generation to the new era of true JediKnights, DeltA Force honors your achievements and accomplishments. If you are not on the list, sink your roots deeper into...
Ok here it is, the big daddy ICQ list. The biggest collection of JK playersknown to man. I backed up my ICQ98 Address book and took Screenshots of my entireICQ list, and zipped it into a 1mb downloadable file.Everyone should be on here, from Zodiac, Jihad, KRT to VDS,...
Each of these clans listed here not only dominated Jedi Knight in a way that has never been repeated, they also set numerous records (which still stand today), won an enormous amount of tournaments, and clan victories. Their eternal legacies stem from their...
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight CTF is a masterpiece. It offers a depth that CTF in games of today lack. The graphics don’t discriminate against your less than state of the art PC and graphics card. The netcode doesn’t discriminate against you for being a...