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Manowar3 Guide






since 1/16/99




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This is the long awaited follow up to Manowar 2

Manowar 3 is for MotS only

Manowar 3 for MotS greatly improves on the gameplay of the JK version, and it has many new features including the unique Vanguard class and new Jedi skins, including Jedi Luke Skywalker, Jedi Kyle and Darth Vader.

In addition there is improved and new equipment. The underwater breathing unit now automatically engages as soon as you submerge. You can also activate the 'Vader Breathing' effect at any time to confuse and intimidate your opponents!

Another new and very cool feature is the Spy Cam - a remote-controlled camera which can be directed anywhere within a certain radius. Also there are the Target Zoom, Grapple Hook, Wrist-Rocket Launcher and Enemy Targeter. Not to mention the favorites of all Mandalorians, the Jet-Pack and the Big Gun!
For more details of the standard and class-specific equipment, check out the Notes page.

Click the button below to download the file. Go to the Installing page for details on how to install the mod.


If that link doesn't work for you, we have provided this Mirror of the file at geocities:

For technical support or comments about this mod, email AZLON

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